Monday, February 7, 2011

Animated-Buzz and professional critiques!

Things have been on track as I complete a shot a day. Here are the latest shots recently completed.

This shot is currently being in-betweened and was the subject of a professional critique I received at If you haven't heard about this website, then you should go check it out immediately! Calling it the facebook of animators is a pretty accurate term. The site hosts a wall and personal page layout much like facebook, but adds video and portfolio sections for artists to upload content and discuss. But the real shining gem of the website is in its Mentoring program.

Jen Hager is a Disney animator, and artist of which I have admired for some time. Through Aniamted-Buzz I was able to receive a professional critique from Jen for only 23 dollars. I paid the amount, sent in my files and within the week got a well thought out, thorough, and specific critique on my work.

I highly recommend any artist or art enthusiast check out this site!

Not much to see here, only the pot being pelted by the brush Brianelli recently threw during his breakdown.

Last but not least is the finished cloth and hair layer applied to my Emilio animation. This shot is currently in the process of being cleaned-up. The multiple layers approach is proving difficult to slap a final line on, and is the source of many a wrist ache.

Because funds are short, and I have a due date set in stone for this film, I have taken it upon myself to check out sites such as Kick-Starter to try and acquire funding for my film via donations. It's a shot in the dark, but one I hope will hit something. If I can pitch my project well enough, I should be able to acquire the necessary funds to finish this film on time.

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